22:03 Wednesday 11 Sep 2024
about partychief.com partychief.com was formed in 1999 to provide a web site "dedicated to all world travellers who enjoy top parties and good times". originally named after a job title in the seismic data acquisition business (a partychief is the leader of a field crew who record sonic vibrations of the earth to determine the presence of hydrocarbon deposits). over the last 3 years, partychief.com has evolved to become the production, publicity and recording label of a number of electronic music artists - kliktrak, jacques haumeau, redfriday and the rhythm methodists - bringing together a decade plus of some diverse and highly original electronica. for the first time, out of print and unreleased material from the partychief.com archives will be available for download in MP3 format. during 2003 exclusive new releases will be published online as a complement to the regular artist release schedule... for more information email: music at partychief.com or write to us at: music at partychief.com |
contact: webmaster at partychief.com |
©1989-2003 partychief.com all photos © d.clarke unless otherwise indicated |